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The Missing Piece Of Your Market

We Help Solar Businesses Generate Massive ROI’s by Exclusive Leads via Paid Advertising

Our Philosophy

We are here for the long run, to accomplish that we must earn your business with trust & by serving you the absolute best in terms of quality leads, going beyond the average expectation. 

Getting you the Leads isn't out only focus. We are here to ensure those leads convert to customers. 

We believe that little things matter, going the extra mile is what creates long term success

Operating with dignity, integrity, righteousness, accountability.


What We Offer

Paid ADs 

Website Design

Content Creation

Email Marketing

Social Media Management 

Mastery requires focus, so
We only focus on generating leads for Your business. That’s why we are experts at what we do.
If you are looking for a full-service agency that is generic in their leads then we are not the right Fit for you. If you are looking for a simple solution for leads, then we got you.

Why One Piece Media?

High Intent Leads only for YOU

Our allegiance to you.
Unlike most Lead gen agencies that end up sharing your data with your competitor, we solely focus on getting you exclusive Leads. 

We do the A-X Leaving you with Y-Z

If you don't want extra headache, and want to only deal with what you're an expert in, then we are the right fit for you. We are here to make your life easy and get you more customers so you get more money.

TimeLess Principales

We operate based on timeless principles, because we believe to succeed long term the foundation needs to withstand the test of time.


Working with US

We are looking for a specific type of customer. Respect is of high priority. 

Contact Us

Free Consultation

By the end of this call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Paid Advertising.

Find a time on Tadeh's calendar to schedule your call today.

We look forward to speaking to you soon!

This Call is Perfect for:

Businesses looking to take their offline business online.

​Businesses looking to understand their revenue potential with the help of Paid Advertising.
​Businesses looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority.

Have a General Inquiry

If you have a general inquiry and would like to speak to our expert team you can contact us via email at:

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One Piece Media Online Services
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